
Seeing your people thrive


Our programmes

Our cultural, health and impact programmes are designed to help our tenant communities connect, grow and conquer through a mix of relaxed gatherings, unlikely partnerships and unexpected experiences.

Giving your team a myriad of reasons to come to work, beyond work.

Health programme

Weekly fitness classes, nutritious food pop ups, easy access to certified coaches, helpful reads, listens and watches, bookable therapists and in-house wellness facilities.

Our health programme is design to help our tenants take good care of their team. Keeping our communities healthy, happy and moving in the right direction.

Cultural programme

Workshops, lunch and learns, spoken-word nights, photography and art exhibitions, music gigs, guest speakers, supper clubs, secret cinema and discounts to the city’s cultural scene.

We pull together a plethora of experiences that give our tenants good reasons to gather. To offer something incredibly special we partner with emerging talent across the food, art, music and creative scene in Liverpool.

Impact programme

Volunteering schemes with local charities, opportunities to mentor and be mentored, subsidies for start-ups and non-profits, bespoke charity match making and fundraising campaigns.

Our impact programme looks to understand the needs of our local neighbourhood and provide tangible ways for our tenants to make a meaningful (and measurable) social impact.

Follow Our Journey

Martins was built to send a message to the world. One of excellence and pride. Our restoration follows the same thesis. Purposed to revive the city’s beloved landmark as a platform for leading companies, playing a pioneering role on the world stage.